What is the population of San Mateo County in 2021?

What is the population of San Mateo County in 2021? San Mateo County, California’s estimated population is 760,249 with a growth rate of -0.28% in the past year according to the most recent United States census data. San Mateo County, California is the 15th largest county in California. The 2010 Population was 719,699 and has seen a growth of 5.63% since this time.

What percentage of San Mateo County is black? San Mateo Demographics

Other race: 12.18% Two or more races: 8.18% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 2.33% Black or African American: 2.20%

What is the racial makeup of San Mateo County? The 5 largest ethnic groups in San Mateo County, CA are White (Non-Hispanic) (38.4%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (29.7%), White (Hispanic) (11.3%), Other (Hispanic) (10.5%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.81%).

What is the area median income for San Mateo County? 

Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+, 2016-2020 29.4
Income & Poverty
Median household income (in 2020 dollars), 2016-2020 $128,091
Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2020 dollars), 2016-2020 $64,450

What is considered low income San Mateo County?

1 person household: $104,400. 2 person household: $119,300. 3 person household: $149,100.

What is low income in California for a single person?

According to Covered California income guidelines and salary restrictions, if an individual makes less than $47,520 per year or if a family of four earns wages less than $97,200 per year, then they qualify for government assistance based on their income.

What cities are in San Mateo County?

San Mateo County/Cities

How did San Mateo get its name?

San Mateo has a Mediterranean climate and is known for its rich history at the center of the San Francisco Bay Area. Some of the biggest economic drivers for the city include technology, health care and education.

San Mateo, California
Named for St. Matthew
• Mayor Eric Rodriguez
• City manager Drew Corbett

Is San Mateo a nice place to live?

San Mateo is a nice, safe, family-friendly suburb to live in. Housing is expensive, but the city is beautiful and clean. There are many schools in the area and job opportunities near by with San Francisco and Silicon Valley within an arm’s reach. The area is very liberal and diverse.

What is San Mateo known for?

Within its 455 square miles bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and San Francisco Bay to the east, the County is known for its mild climate and scenic vistas. Nearly three quarters of the county is open space and agriculture remains a vital contributor to our economy and culture.

How do you say San Mateo?

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